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Bank Transfer

Thank you for your continuous support and prayers!

The amount you are giving will make a difference as the proceeds will go help with the most vulnerable. 

To receive a donation receipt please provide us with an e-mail address to which it should be sent - you may include the address in the transfer title or conntact us directly via e-mail at

Please find below the details for international bank transfers:

  • Country: Poland (POL / PL)

  • Name of the bank: BNP Paribas Bank Polska S.A.

  • Bank’s address, line 1: ul. Kasprzaka 2

  • Bank’s address, line 2: 01-211 Warszawa

  • Transfer recipient:  BCA Poland (Baptystyczna Akcja Charytatywna)

  • Recipient's address, line 1: ul. Waliców 25

  • Recipient's address, line 2: 00-865 Warszawa


  • Bank accounts / IBAN:

    • PLN: PL81 1600 1462 1857 4657 9000 0001

    • EUR: PL70 1600 1462 1857 4657 9000 0005

    • USD: PL43 1600 1462 1857 4657 9000 0006

    • GBP: PL16 1600 1462 1857 4657 9000 0007

  • Transfer titles:

    • "Irreplaceable Families" - when you want to donate funds to the foster families ministry.

    • "New Roots" - when you want to donate funds to ministry among Ukrainian refugees

    • "General donation" - if you don't know or don't want to decide what project to support, we will allocate your donation to the project that needs it the most

If you want to receive a donation receipt of your donation please add your email address to the title of the transfer.

Baptist Charity Action

(BCA Poland or BACh)

We are registered with the Polish Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration as Baptystyczna Akcja Charytatywna based on the Regulation of the Polish Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 14 December 2018 on granting legal personality to the Baptystyczna Akcja Charytatywna (Polish Journal of Laws of 2019, item 38).


ul. Waliców 25/1

00-865 Warszawa, Poland


Phone: +48 786 411 053

Polish NIP number: 5272899425

Polish REGON number: 383907625

Get in touch


Data protection within Polish Baptist Union in Republic of Poland (Koscioł Chrzescijan Baptystow w RP) and its units is handled by the Data Protection Officer, and more information can be found here

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