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What we do



We take actions to support those whose world collapsed in an unexpected tragedy. We provide support to refugees and victims of wars or natural disasters when it is necessary to respond

and act.


We bring hope to people whose lives have taken them to the bottom.

We want to bring hope to people in crisis.


 We are determined to long-term actions supporting the upbringing and development of the most volnerable by promoting, establishing, and running family orphanages and foster families.

Our Mission

Our current projects include:


Irreplaceable Families

Our mission is to mobilize and equip Christians to become Irreplaceable Families to the children and teenagers that were placed in their care.


We want to see every evangelical foster family in Poland supported in their ministry.

We want to promote foster parenting, organize themed workshops, build volunteer support, and integrate communities of foster families, supporting them in emergency events.

The main need the families face is a community of fellow foster families.

In April 2024 we hosted a conference in Warsaw for foster parents from Poland, Ukraine, and Moldova.

Click here for more

New Roots

Poland is home to more than 1.5 million war refugees from Ukraine. Currently, there are more than 30 Ukrainian communities, which cooperate with Polish Baptist Union congregations.

We want to support the initiatives among Ukrainian communities in Poland to help war refugees integrate in the Polish society. 

We offer legal, material and financial support though this program.

Click here for more.


Warmth for Ukraine

Throughout the winter months, there were massive power supply restrictions in Ukraine due to Russian military attacks on energy infrastructure.


We have taken it upon ourselves to deliver warmth to Ukraine to help Ukrainians survive the low temperatures during the fall and winter months. In cooperation with our partners we providided 275 generators and 5,000 blankets to Baptist churches in Ukraine, where people can get warm and charge their phones. Thanks to the grants we received, it was possible to install more than 100 furnaces for people in greatest need.

The cooperation continues as in following winters we supported the Ukrainian church community with finances to cover the costs of heating as well as purchasing firewood.

Back home

There are more than 150 000 damaged homes in Ukraine.

We are assisting local churches with construction work to repair and rebuild homes in Ukraine that had suffered damage as a result of warfare.

Having the first pilot projects finished in January 2023, we are determined to support 100 families in their efforts to get back home.

Click here for more.


Completed projects:


Sending humanitarian supplies to Ukraine

Project closed with the end of April 2024

Due to the war and the loss of jobs for many Ukrainians, as well as because of inflation, the standard of living of many people has significantly decreased. In cooperation with our partners, we have organized a trans-shipment warehouse in Chelm, near the Ukrainian border. From there our shipments go directly to their destinations in Ukraine.

Alltogether, we shipped 190 trucks during the 2 years of Donate a Pallet ministry.

We've been able to send 3 000 tons of humanitarian aid, roughly valued at $4 900 00.

We fed more than 500 000 people, and hundrends of thousands heard the Gospel through the distribution of the aid.

Click here for more.

Refugee Transit Center

Project closed with the end of June 2022

In February a local church in Chełm turned into a shelter for those who crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border. They provided transport, temporary accommodation, food, and hygiene supplies for the Ukrainian refugees who had to flee their country with their children and family members.


We managed to provide help for around 5000 people there. Since July the shelter is run by the Church in Chełm. ​If you need help after crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border please contact the church in Chełm. They are located within 1-hour drive from three Polish-Ukraine border crossings and have diligently served 24/7 since the beginning of the crisis.

In case of escalation of the refugee crisis, we will increase our engagement in this area.


We Need Your Support Today!

Baptist Charity Action

(BCA Poland or BACh)

We are registered with the Polish Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration as Baptystyczna Akcja Charytatywna based on the Regulation of the Polish Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of 14 December 2018 on granting legal personality to the Baptystyczna Akcja Charytatywna (Polish Journal of Laws of 2019, item 38).


ul. Waliców 25/1

00-865 Warszawa, Poland


Phone: +48 786 411 053

Polish NIP number: 5272899425

Polish REGON number: 383907625

Get in touch


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