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Ми вживаємо заходів, щоб підтримати тих, чий світ зазнав несподіваної трагедії. Ми надаємо підтримку біженцям і жертвам воєн або стихійних лих, коли необхідно реагувати та діяти.


Ми даруємо надію людям, чиє життя привело їх до дна. Ми хочемо дати надію людям, які перебувають у кризі.


 Ми сповнені рішучості до довготривалих дій, спрямованих на підтримку виховання та розвитку найбільш незахищених верств населення, заохочуючи, створюючи та керуючи сімейними будинками-сирітами та прийомними сім’ями.

Our Mission

Ісус активно змінює цей світ. Ми хочемо наслідувати Його приклад і закликаємо вірою виконувати дії порятунку, надії та служіння.


Sending humanitarian supplies to Ukraine

We are sending pallets of food andnecessities to Ukraine. Due to the war and the loss of jobs for many Ukrainians, as well as because of inflation, the standard of living of many people has significantly decreased. In cooperation with our partners, we have organized a trans-shipment warehouse in Chelm, near the Ukrainian border. From there our shipments go directly to their destinations in Ukraine.

For the first year of this operation, i.e. 03.2022 - 03.2023, we sent about 120 trucks


We have also launched #donateapallet action - 100% of the donations for that purpose are allocated to buy and transport food to Ukriane.

Click here for more.

Back home

There are more than 150 000 damaged homes in Ukraine.

We are assisting local churches with construction work to repair and rebuild homes in Ukraine that had suffered damage as a result of warfare.

Having the first pilot projects finished in January 2023, we are determined to support 100 families in their efforts to get back home.

Click here for more.


Warmth for Ukraine

Throughout the winter months, there were massive power supply restrictions in Ukraine due to Russian military attacks on energy infrastructure. We have taken it upon ourselves to deliver warmth to Ukraine to help Ukrainians survive the low temperatures during the fall and winter months. We did this in cooperation with our partners by providing 275 generators and 5,000 blankets to Baptist churches in Ukraine, where people can get warm and charge their phones. Thanks to the grants we received, it was possible to install more than 100 furnaces for people in greatest need.

The cooperation between churches from Poland, Ukraine and the US shows unity in the Church, which is a great encouragement to Ukrainian pastors and leaders.

Refugee Transit Center
Project closed as of the end of June

In February a local church in Chełm turned into a shelter for those who crossed the Polish-Ukrainian border. They provided transport, temporary accommodation, food, and hygiene supplies for the Ukrainian refugees who had to flee their country with their children and family members. We managed to provide help for around 5000 people there. Since July the shelter is run by the Church in Chełm. ​If you need help after crossing the Polish-Ukrainian border please contact the church in Chełm. They are located within 1-hour drive from three Polish-Ukraine border crossings and have diligently served 24/7 since the beginning of the crisis.

In case of escalation of the refugee crisis, we will increase our engagement in this area.

Click here for more.


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